Tuzla Open Center is a non-governmental organization that works to strengthen the LGBTI + community by proposing and advocating inclusive policies and legislation, creating institutional support infrastructure, public awareness and conquest of public space, capacity building and knowledge production, and participation in building and strengthening local civil society.
We operate at the local and regional level, through connections and networking with BiH, regional and European human rights organizations, networks and movements.
Our vision is a society in which citizens are equal and free, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and / or gender characteristics.


Our mission is to promote the human rights of LGBTI people and gender equality in public life and space through continuous activist action on feminist principles.
freedom, justice, equality, equality, diversity and integrity
cooperation, solidarity, togetherness, inclusiveness
transparency, accountability, promotion of social secularism
social engagement and the creation of alliances, solidarity and trust
socio-political activism / involvement and disagreement with the traditional hetero-patriarchal matrix of society
advocacy, struggle, nonviolent communication
questioning and openness, teamwork and organizational learning