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CALL TO ACTION: Queer Art in Self-isolation

Updated: Jan 11, 2022

Tuzla Open Centre is providing you with a platform to share your queer art on.

We want to encourage and support your creativity which knows no bounds nor the principle of self-isolation. Imagination can take us into different worlds that only we are familiar with, and only we can access – the worlds in which we become us and can finally relax. With that in mind, we invite and encourage you to create and send us the artworks you want to share with others.

We know queer art can be unique and exist in many forms - which is why we do not want to place any boundaries on your creative process. Do you enjoy writing poetry and prose? Want to share your own personal story or autobiography? Maybe you like to paint, take photographs or graphic design simply makes you happy? You want to record your original dance choreography or a short monologue?

You can do all of these things in your home and then send them to us. It is your creativity and imagination that will be a source of happiness and pastime, to many who find it difficult to self-isolate.

In case you do not want your work to be signed by your name, we can publish it anonymously or with a pseudonym. Feel free to indicate this to us in the email in which you attach your artwork in.

It is necessary for the content you send to us to have queer themes and elements; textual artworks can have a maximum of 500 words and videos can last up to 3 minutes.

Tuzla Open Centre reserves the right not to publish an artwork if it is inconsistent with the beforementioned conditions and/or the organization’s values.

You can submit your artworks until the 30th of April by e-mail, on

We look forward to your creativity!


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