Publication: "(In)equality of the sexes on electoral lists in the City of Tuzla - Elections 2020 and 2024"
The Tuzla Open Center conducted research entitled "(Gender inequality on electoral lists in the City of Tuzla - Elections 2020 and 2024)....
Publication: "(In)equality of the sexes on electoral lists in the City of Tuzla - Elections 2020 and 2024"
Publication: "Gender inequality on electoral lists in Tuzla Canton - Elections 2022"
PUBLICATION: 'Pričam ti u duginim bojama' - Životne priče queer osoba
PUBLICATION: Queer umjetnost u samoizolaciji – Prekidamo šutnju
PUBLICATION: Smjernice javnim institucijama Tuzlanskog kantona za rad sa LGBTI osobama
PUBLIKACIJA: Ispitivanje potreba LGBTI zajednice u TK