How are you at risk? - Path to equality: What is needed for LGBTI+ people in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
A working meeting was held with the MUP of TK
Why does it concern us? - Sign up for the SOC training on the topic of political activism for LGBTI+ people in BiH
Sign up for Fitness dance
Hate as Fear’s Mask
PUBLICATION: 'Pričam ti u duginim bojama' - Životne priče queer osoba
PUBLICATION: Queer umjetnost u samoizolaciji – Prekidamo šutnju
LGBTI Writings: The meaning and power of music
LGBTI Writings: What's happening in Poland?
Non-binary and proud: Spreading our wings and rejecting societal boxes
LGBTI Writings: Power multiplied by individuals
LGBTI Writings: LGBTI representation in anime culture
LGBTI Writings: Evolution of the word "gay" in my head
Non-binary and proud: Parenthood 101
Non-binary and proud: We don't have to label ourselves
LGBTI Writings: Am I gay "enough"?
LGBTI Writings: Fighting hate with love
What you need to know about asexuality
PUBLICATION: Smjernice javnim institucijama Tuzlanskog kantona za rad sa LGBTI osobama
PUBLIKACIJA: Ispitivanje potreba LGBTI zajednice u TK